About me

I'm Dibbendu

I am working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Indore.

My research interests are in developing 6G Communication Networks using Machine and Deep learning, Causal Inference, Distributed Optimization, Network Calculus, Queuing and Game Theory. I try to use these tools to develop and analyze resource allocation and scheduling algorithms for Next-generation Networks.

Currently, I am pursuing research on Causal Modeling and Causal Inference aided Reinforcement Learning for Wireless Queuing systems.

Overall, I have a keen interest in mathematics and have fun solving and learning new mathematical concepts. Playing football and table tennis is a blast for me, and I love tinkering around on the piano and keyboard in my free time.

Research Experience

  • Postdoc at EECS, KTH Royal Institute of Technology with Prof. James Gross on Causal Inference for Communication Networks
  • Research Associate at IIT Kharagpur (5G and Beyond project under MeiTy) on Achieving QoE for Extended Reality Applications

Recent Publications

Queuing Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks

Queuing Analysis of QoS Aware Microwave Power Transfer Enabled CR-IoT Network IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2022

Queuing Analysis of Opportunistic Cognitive Radio IoT Network with Imperfect Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communication and Networking, 2022

Contact me

I am always eager to collaborate with fellow researchers having similar interests. Please send me an email if you wish to do so. If you are a student who wants to explore problems in probability, machine learning and optimization with communications as an application area, you can drop me an email with your interests and possibly a CV for possible MS/PhD positions.

Dibbendu Roy
FC 508, LRC Building, IIT Indore